Florida Academic Healthcare PSO

Florida Academic Healthcare Patient Safety Organization (FAH-PSO)

The Florida Academic Healthcare Patient Safety Organization (FAH-PSO) was created to benefit and serve its member organizations and their practitioners.  The FAH-PSO provides a federally protected vehicle for sharing collective data, convening discussions on patient safety events, and facilitating patient safety activities.  The FAH-PSO assists providers with interpretive expert-aided knowledge and guidance towards the development of best practice recommendations, clinical interventions and organizational initiatives designed to improve the safety of patient care.

The FAH PSO generated Consensus Recommendations for the Management of Patient Behavior Issues, Behavior Agreements, and Dismissal, with a focus on addressing potential patient behavior issues that can interfere with the care and treatment rendered and the relationship with the healthcare provider.

Review the Full Report here:
Management of Patient Behavior Issues, Behavior Agreements, and Dismissal

The FAH PSO generated Consensus Recommendations for the Use of Medical Chaperones during Sensitive Examinations, with a focus on addressing and enhancing education and training. Medical Chaperone policies seek to provide a consistent, standard, and safe care environment for patients, promoting respect for the patient’s dignity and the professional nature of sensitive examinations.

Review the Full Report here:
Use of Medical Chaperones During Sensitive Examinations

The FAH PSO generated Consensus Recommendations for the Treatment and Management of Ear Impaction, with a focus on informed consent, equipment use, medical record documentation, staff training/education, and aftercare.
Review the Full Report here:
Treatment and Management of Ear Impaction

In December 2019, members of the FAH PSO were notified of the following Alliance for Quality Improvement and Patient Safety (www.AQIPS.org) message: Upon the 20th Anniversary of the “To Err is Human” Report, the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) reports that the cornerstone to the Federal response: Patient Safety Organizations (PSOs) are effective in preventing patient harm, improving patient outcomes and saving lives.

Review FAH-PSO's notice here:

2019 End-of-Year Update

Members of the Behavioral Health Integration (BHI) Task Force of the FAH PSO presented their recommendations at the 2019 AHRQ 11th Annual Meeting of PSOs.

Review the Presentation and audience feedback here:

Behavioral Health Integration in the University Setting

The Behavioral Health Integration Task Force of the FAH PSO generated Consensus Recommendations to improve identification and management of behavioral healthcare, with a focus on the integration of multiple services and providers within the university setting and surrounding area providers.

Review the Storyboard and Full Report here:

Institute for Healthcare Improvement 2018 National Forum Storyboard Presented at the IHI conference

PSO Task Force – Full Report – Behavioral Health Integration

The PSO can be utilized in a variety of ways to benefit both providers and their patients.  See how the FAH PSO was fundamental in identifying medication prescriptions that may prolong QT intervals and the pharmacy intervention, provider education, and improvements that resulted.

Review the Poster Presentation here:

PSO Task Force – Pharmacy Intervention

The Student Concussion Task Force of the FAH PSO developed Consensus Recommendations to improve identification, patient care, and treatment of concussions within the university setting.

Review the Full Report here:

PSO Task Force – Student Concussion Treatment


This webpage, Florida Academic Healthcare PSO, is managed by FAH-PSO@hsc.ufl.edu.
Please feel free to contact for any questions or recommendations regarding page content.