Incident Reporting Guide

Who Must Report
What Must Be Reported
When and How to Report
Why It Is Important to Report

Who Must Report

As an employee or agent of a participating entity, you have an individual responsibility to report to your Self-Insurance Program any occurrence that you reasonably believe may have caused or resulted in an injury to a patient.

NOTE: You may also have other additional reporting responsibilities and should be familiar with the policy for reporting events and near misses at the facilities where you practice.

What Must Be Reported

In ADDITION to any facility and/or university-related reporting requirements, the following are TYPES OF INCIDENTS THAT YOU SHOULD REPORT TO YOUR SIP.


An Occurrence is:


Allegations are written or verbal statements alleging negligence and asserted claims. These include any assertion by a patient or patient’s family:

These also include any legal or regulatory agency communications, including:

When and How to Report

Immediately upon the occurrence of a potentially reportable event (as soon as the patient’s needs are addressed), notify your Self-Insurance Program by calling:



Information we will need to know:

NOTE: Residents must also notify their Attending and department residency program director. Students/Other Staff members must notify their supervisors.

Why It Is Important To Report

Patient Safety and Loss Prevention

Timely reporting allows for the identification of patient safety initiatives and provides insight into opportunities to improve the provision of healthcare.

Claim Management

Prompt reporting permits timely investigation of unexpected clinical occurrences and/or allegations, enabling SIP to meet the immediate needs of patients with meritorious claims and aggressively and effectively defend those claims that lack merit.

This webpage, Incident Reporting Guide, is managed by Arlene Smillov, BSN, MBA, Claims Officer.
Please feel free to contact her for any questions or recommendations regarding page content.